PE가 왜 뜨는지 모르겠습니다

hunhun0409 Reply 4 years 19 weeks ago
샘플 인풋 샘플 아웃품 완전 똑같이 나오는데( : 끝에 다 띄어쓰기 돼있나 확인도 했습니다), 도대체 어디가 틀린지 모르겠습니다...
withcs2 Reply 4 years 19 weeks ago
sample input을 하나하나 입력하지 말고 한번에 복붙하면 output도 한번에 나옵니다. sample output과 실제로 나오는 output의 줄 수를 비교해보세요. 뭔가 부족하지 않나요? Enter an amount to withdraw를 수정해보세요
hunhun0409 Reply 4 years 19 weeks ago
Enter an id: 4 1 2 4 1 2 -1 1 3 10 1 4 11 10 1 0 5 1 2 101 3 -1 4 -20150901 Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: The balance is 100.0 Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: Enter an amount to withdraw: Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: The balance is 96.0 Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: Enter an amount to withdraw: Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: The balance is 97.0 Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: Enter an amount to deposit: Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: The balance is 107.0 Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: Enter an id: Please enter a correct id Enter an id: Please enter a correct id Enter an id: Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: Wrong choice, try again: Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: Wrong choice, try again: Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: The balance is 100.0 Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: Enter an amount to withdraw: The amount is too large, ignored Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: Enter an amount to deposit: The amount is negative, ignored Main menu 1: check balance 2: withdraw 3: deposit 4: exit Enter a choice: Enter an id: Exit code entered Process finished with exit code 0