큐의 크기

tjdch99 Reply 4 years 19 weeks ago
문제에서는 크기가 8인 큐를 만들라고 되어있고 최대 크기를 수정하는 기능은 요구하고 있지 않은데, 훨씬 큰 큐를 써야만 답이나오는 테스트케이스가 있는 이유가 무엇인지 궁금합니다.
withcs2 Reply 4 years 19 weeks ago
문제 원본 찾아보니 최대 크기 수정하라는 내용이 있는데 UML diagram 그리는 게 강의내용 밖이라 지운 거 같네요 ㅜㅜ Section 10.6 gives a class for Stack. Design a class named Queue for storing integers. Like a stack, a queue holds elements. In a stack, the elements are retrieved in a last-in first-out fashion. In a queue, the elements are retrieved in a first-in first-out fashion. The class contains: An int[] data field named elements that stores the int values in the queue. A data field named size that stores the number of elements in the queue. A constructor that creates a Queue object with default capacity 8. The method enqueue(int v) that adds v into the queue. The method dequeue() that removes and returns the element from the queue. The method empty() that returns true if the queue is empty. The method getSize() that returns the size of the queue. Draw an UML diagram for the class. Implement the class with the initial array size set to 8. The array size will be doubled once the number of the elements exceeds the size. After an element is removed from the beginning of the array, you need to shift all elements in the array one position the left. Write a test program that adds 20 numbers from 1 to 20 into the queue and removes these numbers and displays them.
tjdch99 Reply 4 years 18 weeks ago