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주어진 connected/weighted/undirected graph의 minimum spanning tree (MST)를 구하는 Prim's algorithm 기반의 코드를 작성하시오.
* Each vertex will be assigned an index from 0 to n-1 (n =number of vertices). Prim's algorithm must be executed with the first vertex as the root vertex (r = v0).
* For r = v0, all test case graphs will have one unique MST.
* Sample Input/Output은 Figure 21.4의 그래프를 예시로 함 (단, r = a일때 하나의 답만 나오도록 edge <a,h>는 삭제함)
- Line 0: n
- Line 1: m
- Line 2~m+1: edges in random order where each edge is represented as (vertex index a, vertex index b, integer weight w)
* n = number of vertices in graph
* m = number of edges in graph
- Line 0: (vertex index of) parent of v1 in MST
- Line n-2: (vertex index of) parent of vn-1 in MST
9 13 0,1,4 1,7,11 1,2,8 2,8,2 2,3,7 2,5,4 8,7,7 8,6,6 7,6,1 6,5,2 3,5,14 3,4,9 4,5,10
0 1 2 3 2 5 6 2